Outdoor Tips
Updated: 5/2022
In Your Yard
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Follow WashingtonCounty’s wateringschedule guide,found here. |
Most of us give ourlawns more waterthan needed. Nexttime you turn on yoursprinklers, place anempty tuna can in theyard. Once the can isfull, you’ve given yourlawn all the water itneeds. |
When it’s windy, waitto water. Duringwindy weather, morewater evaporates andless gets to your grassor plants. |
Choose water smartplants that are suitedfor the ChihuahuanDesert. |
Use an automaticshut-off nozzle onyour hose to savehundreds of gallonsof water while youwash your car. |
Check your irrigationsystem for clogged,broken, or missingsprinkler heads. Ifyou’re not the do-ityourself type, go witha pro —look for anirrigationprofessional.Consider a WaterSense®Smart Irrigation Controller. |
Examine pointswhere the sprinklerheads connect topipes/hoses. If wateris pooling in yourlandscape or you havelarge wet areas, youcould have a leak inyour system. A leak assmall as the tip of aballpoint pen (1/32ndof an inch) can wasteabout 6,300 gallonsof water per month. |
Direct yoursprinklers to applywater only to yourlawn or prized plants.Make sure you arenot watering thedriveway, house, orsidewalk.
Adjust your lawnmower to the heightof 1.5 to 2 inches.Taller grass shadesroots and holds soilmoisture better thanshort grass.
Leave lawn clippingsto decompose on yourgrass. Clippingsprovide nutrients,help cool the groundand retain moisture.
Aerate your lawnperiodically toimprove air flow andcompaction. Holesevery six inches willallow water to reachthe roots, rather thanrun off the surface.
Let your lawn godormant (brown)during the winter.Dormant grass onlyneeds to be wateredevery three to fourweeks, less if it rains.
Remember to weedyour lawn and gardenregularly so thatweeds don’t competewith other plants fornutrients and water. |
Hire a qualifiedprofessional to installyour irrigationsystem and keep itworking properly andefficiently. A licensedirrigator is the wayto go! |
Use fertilizerssparingly. While theypromote plantgrowth, they alsoincrease waterconsumption. |
Instead of building aprivate pool, join acommunity pool. |
Use a pool cover tohelp keep your poolclean, reducechemical use andprevent water lossthrough evaporation. |
Make sure yourswimming pool,fountain and/or pondis equipped withrecirculating pumps. |
Minimize oreliminate the use ofwaterfalls and spraysin your pool. Aerationincreasesevaporation. |
General Outdoor Tips
Winterize outdoorspigots whentemperatures dipbelow freezing toprevent pipes fromleaking or bursting. |
Use a commercial carwash that recycleswater. |
Wash your petsoutdoors, in an areaof your lawn thatneeds water. |
When cleaning outfish tanks, give thenutrient-rich water toyour non-edibleplants. |
Use a broom insteadof a hose to cleanpatios, sidewalks anddriveways. |
Evaporative coolersrequire annualseasonalmaintenance check. |
If you have anevaporative cooler,direct the water drainto plants in yourlandscape. |
Report broken pipes,leaky hydrants, andwater waste toproperty owners or tothe LDWA. |
Know where yourmaster water shut-offvalve is located. If apipe bursts, thiscould save hundredsof gallons of waterand prevent propertydamage. |